Tuesday, February 23, 2010
William T Grant Foundation Evidence-based Research Grant
Monday, February 22, 2010
Arts in Education Model Development
Friday, February 19, 2010
Innovative Technology Experiences for Students & Teachers
NASA GCCE grant released
- Goal 1: improve the teaching and learning about global climate change in elementary and secondary schools, on college campuses, and through lifelong learning;
- Goal 2: increase the number of people, particularly high school and undergraduate students,using NASA Earth observation data, Earth system models, and/or simulations to investigate and analyze global climate change issues;
- Goal 3: increase the number of undergraduate students prepared for employment and/or to enter graduate school in technical fields relevant to global climate change.
IES English Language Learner Research
Through its research program on English Language Learners (ELL), the Institute intends to contribute to improvement of academic achievement in reading, writing, mathematics, or science, as well as other school outcomes (e.g., graduation rates, access to postsecondary education) for students who are English language learners by: (1) exploring malleable factors (e.g., children's skills, instructional practices, policies) that are associated with better child outcomes, as well as mediators and moderators of the relations between these factors and child outcomes, for the purpose of identifying potential targets of intervention; (2) developing innovative interventions for ELL students (e.g., curriculum, instructional practices, programs, and policies) designed to improve outcomes for ELL students; (3) evaluating fully developed interventions for ELL students through efficacy or replication trials; (4) evaluating the impact of interventions for ELL students that are implemented at scale; and (5) developing, revising, and validating assessments for use with ELL students.
The long-term outcome of this program will be an array of tools and strategies (e.g., assessments, instructional approaches, programs, and policies) that have been documented to be effective for improving academic outcomes for ELL students.
Amount: $100,000 - $1.2m (3 years)
Date due: June 24, 2010
For more information, click here.
IES Teacher Quality Research (Math & Science)
The general purpose of the Institute's Teacher Quality — Mathematics and Science (Teacher Quality — Math/Science) research program is to identify effective strategies for improving the performance of current classroom teachers in ways that increase student learning and school achievement in mathematics and science. The Institute intends for the Teacher Quality — Math/Science research program to fulfill five goals: (1) exploring the relations between malleable factors (e.g., practices of teachers and other instructional personnel; professional development programs) and student outcomes in mathematics or science, as well as mediators and moderators of the relations between student outcomes and these malleable factors, for the purpose of identifying potential targets of intervention; (2) developing innovative programs and practices for teacher professional development that are intended to improve teacher practices and through them student learning and achievement; (3) evaluating the efficacy of teacher professional development programs and practices that are intended to improve teacher practices and through them student learning and achievement; (4) evaluating the effectiveness of teacher professional development programs that are implemented at scale and intended to improve teacher practices and through them student learning and achievement; and (5) developing and validating new assessments or validating existing assessments of teachers of mathematics or science against measures of student achievement.
Under these goals, the Institute supports research on teacher professional development interventions and teacher assessments relevant to (a) teaching mathematics or science from kindergarten through high school and (b) teaching basic skills in mathematics to adults. By "professional development" the Institute refers to in-service training of or tools for current instructional personnel. Long term outcomes of the Teacher Quality — Math/Science program will be an array of tools and strategies (e.g., in-service programs, assessments) that have been demonstrated to be effective for improving and assessing teacher performance in ways that are linked to increases in student achievement.
Amount: $100,000 - $1.2m (3 years)
Date due: June 24, 2010
For more information, click here.
IES Teacher Quality Research (Reading & Writing)
The general purpose of the Institute's Teacher Quality — Reading and Writing (Teacher Quality - Read/Write) research program is to identify effective strategies for improving the performance of current classroom teachers in ways that increase student learning and school achievement. The Institute intends for the Teacher Quality — Read/Write research program to fulfill five goals: (1) exploring the relations between malleable factors (e.g., practices of teachers and other instructional personnel; professional development programs) and student outcomes in reading or writing, as well as mediators and moderators of the relations between student outcomes and these malleable factors, for the purpose of identifying potential targets of intervention; (2) developing innovative programs and practices for teacher professional development that are intended to improve teacher practices and through them student learning and achievement; (3) evaluating the efficacy of teacher professional development programs and practices that are intended to improve teacher practices and through them student learning and achievement; (4) evaluating the effectiveness of teacher professional development programs that are implemented at scale and intended to improve teacher practices and through them student learning and achievement; and (5) developing and validating new assessments or validating existing assessments for teachers of reading or writing against measures of student achievement.
Under these goals, the Institute supports research on teacher professional development interventions and teacher assessments relevant to (a) teaching reading or writing from kindergarten through high school and (b) teaching basic skills in reading or writing to adults. By "professional development" the Institute refers to in-service training of or tools for current instructional personnel.
Long term outcomes of the Teacher Quality — Read/Write program will be an array of tools and strategies (e.g., in-service programs, assessments) that have been demonstrated to be effective for improving and assessing teacher performance in ways that are linked to increases in student achievement.
Amount: $100,000 - $1.2 (3 years)
Date due: June 24, 2010
For more information, click here.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Investigator Initiated Grant on Youth Settings
The William T. Grant Foundation supports work to improve the settings of youth between the ages of 8 and 25 in the United States. The foundation supports high-quality research designed to enhance the understanding of how youth settings work, how they affect youth development, and how they can be improved, as well as when, how, and under what conditions research evidence is used in policy and practice that affect youth and how its use can be improved.
Applicants should submit a project that is consistent with the foundation's current research interests; addresses issues that have compelling relevance for theory, policy, and/or practice affecting the settings of youth between the ages of 8 and 25 in the United States; and reflects high standards of evidence and rigorous methods, commensurate with the project's goals.
The foundation's current Action Topic is improving the quality of afterschool programs. The foundation funds studies of how afterschool programs affect youth, research on attempts to improve these programs, and activities meant to strengthen the communication among researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in the afterschool field.
Amount: Varies
Date due: April 6, 2010 (Letter of Inquiry)
For more information, click here.